Ca Notify App - California's Exposure Notification System
CA Notify adds an additional layer of protection for you and your community. Of course, everyone should wear a face covering, physically distance and wash your hands regularly but adding CA Notify will help keep you and others safe.
By downloading this app on your phone (google play) or adding it to your ios settings, you can add your phone to California's exposure notification system and help your friends, family and community.
Once you activate your Ca Notify, you are ready to go! You keep your bluetooth on (who doesn't right?) and you will only receive alerts if you were in close contact with someone who tests positive for Covid-19.
Don't worry because your privacy is completely protected as your identity is not known and your location is not tracked. CA Notify does not gather your name, your contact information. your location or the identity of people you encounter.
For Android Users: Download the CA Notify App in Google Play.
For ios Users: Update your ios to version 12.5 or later then go into settings and scroll down to Exposure Notifications, Turn ON Exposure Notifications, then Select United States, California
Please note that CA Notify App is not a contact tracing app and does not collect or exchange any personal information. CA Notify assists the contact tracing process by issuing exposure notifications to people you may not even know.
To find out more, check out CA Notify